The Greatest Plan Ever, Part 2

It was the most brilliant plan ever conceived.  Well conceived by a fourteen year old anyway.  He was coated with dust, bleeding in two places and still hadn’t caught a glimpse of his quarry so perhaps the plan could stand some minor alterations.  But it was still brilliant.  It just hadn’t worked yet.

Andarak’s plan had begun two weeks ago when he’d realized that the Frostfell holiday was approaching.  In the last several months things had changed between Darak and his best friend Sivetri.  Up until then Darak had considered her a close friend, if a bit stiff necked and prone to follow the rules.  But a pair of developments had completely changed his opinion of her.

Those developments were the perfect pair of budding breasts that had so recently blossomed on Sivetri’s chest.  They fascinated Darak and he found himself obsessing over them at the oddest times.  They’d made his studies difficult of late, and he was constantly distracted by thoughts of his pretty friend.           

Darak normally took his studies seriously, unlike his little sister Aerlia.  Not being able to focus was alarming, and his cheeks flushed at the scolding his mother had given him when the illusion spell bad backfired and he’d made her look like a troll instead of himself.  He blamed Sivetri who’d happened to be walking by at the time, even if she wasn’t doing it on purpose.

Darak was a man of action, so he’d decided to take matters into his own hands.  Maybe if he could actually see these breasts they’d lose the mysterious power they seemed to hold over him.  And so the most brilliant plan ever had been conceived. 

Darak had thought long and hard over how he could achieve his goal, and decided that catching See as she was bathing was probably the best way.  He’d taken his meager savings and told his mother he wanted to get something special for Sivetri’s Frostfell gift.  She loved bathing and liked smelling pretty, so he’d asked mother to buy special bathing oils.  Earlier in the year his friend had commented on how much she loved the smell of lavendar, and he was glad he’d remembered that little fact.

His mother had though the gesture very thoughtful, particularly as it had cost ever last copper he had saved.  He suspected the meager sum hadn’t been enough, and that his mother had added coin of her own to make the purchase.  She’d been shocked when he’d asked her to keep the gift secret, but hadn’t asked him why.  That was for the best, as he could hardly have revealed the reason.  His mother was very skilled at ferreting out secrets, and he didn’t think she’d have appreciated this one. 

See had loved her gift and her smile had brought an unfamiliar warmth when she’d opened it.  That hadn’t been part of the plan, but had almost made the gift worth while all by itself.  More importantly it had moved his plan to the next phase, and was the reason he was wedged between the walls with his face pressed against a small wooden panel.

Slipping the panel aside revealed  a spacious bathing chamber with a wide tiled bath dominating the center.  He’d been staring down at the tub for the better part of an hour, and stifled another yawn.  The sun wasn’t up yet, but he knew Sivetri well enough to guess that if she wanted to try out her new bathing oils she’d do it before anyone else was awake.

Darak was about to admit that the plan might need some work, when a floorboard creaked in the hallway outside.  His heart beat more swiftly as the door slid open and a figure padded inside.  Moonlight filtered through the skylight to reveal the silhouette as Sivetri. 

Ivory locks cacasded down indigo shoulders, framing a delicate oval face with full lips that he longed to kiss.  Set in that face was a pair of emerald eyes that sparkled in the moonlight.  Sivetri wore a simple tunic over her shift, and as he watched she reached behind her to unlace it before allowing the garment to fall the floor beside her.  Two hard points were very visible under that shift, and he sucked in an involuntary breath as his eyes widened.

Darak was so mesmerized that the glow stone he’d be been carrying clattered to the floor.  The sudden movement wakened the stone sending a brillant shaft of light stabbing into the room.  He covered the stone with a curse, and froze as we waited to see if Sivetri had noticed. 

She began to hum and Darak risked another peek around the edge of the pannel.  His gaze fell on Sivetri just as she shrugged out of her shift, and his world changed forever.  A pair of soft mounds rose from Sivetri’s chest, each capped by a rosebud nipple taught with the morning chill.  Heat suffused Darak’s body and he began to pant in spite of himself.  He’d never seen anything so beautiful, or so captivating.

A small voice in the back of his head warned that the plan had failed, but Darak ignored it.  The voice pointed out that his goal had been to lessen the pull of those magical breasts, but seeing them had done the opposite.  They loomed in Darak’s mind, and now that he’d seen them he knew what his next plan would have to be.  Now Darak needed to find a way to touch them.

His new plan was still forming when there was a sudden thump at the door.  Sivetri’s naked form slipped from the tub, glistening wetly as Darak stiffened in his trousers.  She slipped the door open and Whisper’s furry form darted inside.  The wolf padded across the chamber as Sivetri scolded him in a harsh whisper.  He flopped down in front of Andarak’s vantage point blocking his view completely.

“Whisper move,” Andarak hissed.  Damn the animal.  He needed to see Sivetri again, but the furry beast was in the way.  He stretched a tentative hand through the opening and tried to shove Whisper aside.  The wolf gave a low growl, but refused to budge. “Please?” Andarak wasn’t above begging if that was what it took to see more of Sivetri.

Whisper gave an apologetic yip, but fell silent as Sivetri scolded him from the tub.  No matter what Andarak tried the beast refused to move, and he finally gave up with a sigh.  At least he’d seen them.  Had seen her in all her glory.  That image would never fade, and if he couldn’t see anymore of her at least the glimpse he’d gotten would sustain him until he came up with a new plan.

  1. Christine
    November 16, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    -giggles- Very nice!

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